Compare: Walkthrough & Definitions

Walkthrough & Definitions

Comparative Analytics is used to measure the impact and lift of your ABM strategy by allowing you to track the performance of any two programs and compare them against each other.


Navigation and Controls

Clicking the “Compare” Tab within the Madison Logic Platform (MLP) will load up the Comparative Analytics dashboard.

Program Selection

To begin, select a Baseline Program (left side) and a Comparison Program (right side) by using the dropdowns available. The baseline and comparison programs can be any program within MLP. The Baseline Program will be the program that the Comparison Program is measured against. 

Once the baseline and comparison programs have been selected, all the data in the dashboard will update based on the chosen programs.

Date Filters

The date filter can be used to limit the data being pulled to accurately compare your campaigns’ performance. The default range for either program is the program’s start date to the current date. If one of the programs has ended, the default date range is your program’s start date to two months after your program’s end date. This allows you to see the long-term impact of media spend on pipeline and revenue.


On the upper right, there are various toggles available to augment your metrics and data points. These toggles allow you to easily compare the two programs and calculate the differences in their performance.

Totals/Percent Toggle

When this toggle is turned on, percentages will be shown next to each data point under the Baseline and Comparison columns. Percents are only available in the Budget, Accounts, and Opportunities sections. Totals are only visible when the delta toggle is on. Totals are the absolute value of the Comparison minus the Baseline.


Eg. Within the Accounts Section, out of the 4,100 accounts targeted, 3,691 accounts have been reached to date. Therefore, 90% of the accounts have been reached.

Delta Toggle

When the Delta toggle is on, percentages will be shown on the right side of the comparison program. Delta percentages are available across all Sections. Increases are shown in green whereas decreases are shown in red. 

Delta is calculated as a percentage using the below formula:


  1. The Budget is $440K for the Baseline Program and $462k for the Comparison Program. This indicates a 5% increase in budget from the Baseline to the Comparison Program.

  2. In the Firmographics Section, the Baseline Program targets 8 industries whereas the Comparison Program targets 5 industries. This means that 37% fewer industries were targeted in the Comparison Program.

Totals/Percent and Delta Toggle

When both the Totals/Percent and Delta Toggles are on, delta percentages and totals (in parentheses) are shown on the right side of the comparison program and are available across all sections. Delta Percentages refer to the difference in terms of percentage. Delta totals are the absolute value of the Comparison values minus the Baseline.


  1. The Budget is $440K for the Baseline Program and $462k for the Comparison Program. This indicates a 5% increase in budget from the Baseline to the Comparison Program. The total here is 22k.

  2. In the Firmographics Section, the Baseline Program targets 8 industries whereas the Comparison Program targets 5 industries. This means that 37% fewer industries were targeted in the Comparison Program. The total here is 3.

Customize Toggle

To customize the data points on the table, turn on the “Customize” toggle. This allows you to configure the view to focus on the data points most relevant to your ABM goals. The customized view will be saved automatically on a user level so the next time the dashboard is pulled up, the most relevant data points are already in view. When this toggle is on, you can perform the following actions:

Rearrange Data Points or Sections

To rearrange sections (red box), click and hold the section you want to rearrange and move it up or down. When a section is moved, data points tied to the section will also move accordingly.

To rearrange a data point (blue boxes), click and hold the data point you want to rearrange and move it up or down. Please note that data points are tied to their sections and cannot be moved across sections.


Rearrange which program is the Baseline or Comparison Program

To rearrange which program is the Baseline or Comparison program, click on the swap arrow icon found between the two columns. The Totals/Percent and Deltas will change accordingly.  

Add Data Points

Once the Customize toggle is on, the “Add Data Points” dropdown will be visible in the upper left corner of the table. Click on the dropdown and you will be able to see additional data points grouped by their sections. To view what additional data points are available in each section, click on the section to expand. Select the data point(s) you want to add to the table.

Remove Data Points or Sections

To remove any data points or sections, click on the “X” found next to each row label.

Restoring Default View

To restore the default view, click “Restore Default View” found in the upper left corner of the table. 


Filters work the same way they do in the Pipeline tab. By selecting filters from the upper right, you can narrow down the opportunities that are brought in for comparison. Note: Filters only work if your Salesforce is integrated.

The Filter By view allows you to choose the appropriate filters for both the Baseline and Comparison programs.

Filters will be applied across the Accounts and Opportunities sections only. Filters applied will be saved automatically so the next time the dashboard is pulled up, the relevant filters will already be applied. Editing filters will bring you into the settings section within MLP to allow you to configure the types of filters available.

For common use cases and more on Filters, click here.


The summary section shows a high-level view of how the Comparison program is performing relative to the Baseline program across the 3Vs (Volume, Velocity, and Value). On the upper right of the summary section, you can also toggle between Opportunities “Created” and “Won”. 

When the toggle is set to “Created”:

  • Volume:

    • The summary number shows the total number of opportunities created from reached accounts for the Comparison program.

    • The percent illustrates the delta between the Baseline and Comparison programs for the volume of opportunities created.

    • Eg. The Comparison program has 35% more opportunities created than the Baseline program.

  • Velocity:

    • The summary number shows the average number of days from the first media exposure to the date the opportunity was created for the Comparison Program.

    • The percent indicates the delta between the Baseline and Comparison programs for the average number of days.

    • Eg. The Comparison program has 25% faster pipeline creation than the Baseline program.

  • Value:

    • The summary shows the total value of all opportunities created from reached accounts for the Comparison Program.

    • The percent illustrates the delta between the Baseline and Comparison programs for the total deal size.

    • Eg. The Comparison Program 27% greater pipeline value than the Baseline Program.

When the toggle is set to “Won”:

  • Volume:

    • The summary number shows the number of opportunities won from reached accounts for the Comparison Program.

    • The Percent illustrates the delta between the Baseline and Comparison programs for the number of opportunities won.

    • Eg. The Comparison Program has 39% more opportunities won than the Baseline program.

  • Velocity:

    • The summary number shows the average number of days to closed/won for the Comparison Program.

    • The Percent indicates the delta between the Baseline and the Comparison programs for the avg. no. of days to closed/won.

    • Eg. Opportunities from the Comparison Program reach closed/won 33% faster than the Baseline Program.

  • Value:

    • The summary number shows the total value of won opportunities from reached accounts.

    • The Percent shows the delta between the Baseline and Comparison Program for the total deal size.

    • Eg. The Comparison Program generated 91% greater contract value than the Baseline Program.

Metrics & Definitions

Comparative Analytics is available to all MLP users. If you are integrated with Salesforce you’ll have access to the Opportunites section (described below), along with a few extra data points within the Accounts section.

To unlock these fields you can integrate your Salesforce by following this guide. This process takes just a few minutes and will require your Salesforce credentials for authentication. See the link above for full integration details.


Sections & Data Points

Comparative Analytics offers a variety of data points across the seven different sections listed below.

Note: Starred (*) data points are addable via the customize toggle.


The Budget section shows the total budget that was allocated for the program and the amount spent to date on the program.


  • Total: Total budget for a program. 

  • Spend: The amount spent to date on the program. Spend is a subset of the total.

  • Eg. Out of the $440K budget in the Baseline Program, $439K has been spent to date.


This section shows the number of accounts you’ve targeted, reached, and engaged. 

  • Targeted: The total number of accounts targeted in a program.

  • Reached: Number of targeted accounts exposed to your content across the key paid media channels leveraged in your program. Reached is a subset of Targeted Accounts.

  • Engaged: Number of targeted accounts engaging with your content.

  • Opportunities: Of the accounts reached, the number of accounts with opportunities created. 

    • Eg. Out of the 4,305 accounts reached in the Comparison Program, 215 accounts have opportunities created.

  • Closed Won: Of the accounts reached, the number of accounts with closed-won opportunities.

  • Progressed: Of the accounts reached, the number of accounts with progressed opportunities.


The Opportunities section shows the volume, value, and velocity of your Marketing ROI based on the accounts reached through your Madison Logic ABM Campaigns. Note that Won is always a subset of Created.

  • Opportunities: The number of opportunities that were created and won from reached accounts.

  • Average No of Days: The average number of days from first media exposure to the create date for the created column and the average number of days to closed/won for the won column.

  • Total Value: Of the accounts reached, the total value of opportunities created and won.

    • Eg. Out of the $12.2M influenced in pipeline, $3.36M is closed/won.

  • Average Deal Size: The average value of each opportunity created and won from reached accounts.

  • *Number of Opportunities Progressed: Of the accounts reached that already had opportunities created, the number of opportunities that moved through 1 or more stages during the date range selected.

  • *Value of Opportunities Progressed: The total value of opportunities that progressed.

  • *Opportunities Created After: The number of opportunities that were created from reached accounts 90 days after running the program.

  • *Opportunities Closed After: The number of opportunities that were closed/won from reached accounts 90 days after running the program.


The Delivery section offers a breakout by channel (Display, Lead Gen, and LinkedIn) of the accounts that you’ve reached and engaged.

  • Impression: The number of impressions delivered for a program

  • Site Visits: The number of site visits for a program

  • Leads: The number of leads generated for a program

  • LinkedIn Impressions: The number of LinkedIn impressions delivered for a program

  • LinkedIn Clicks: The number of LinkedIn clicks for a program

  • LinkedIn Likes: The number of LinkedIn likes for a program

  • LinkedIn Shares: The number of LinkedIn shares for a program

  • LinkedIn Comments: The number of LinkedIn comments for a program

Firmographics, Trending Topics, Personas, and Content

The Firmographics, Trending Topics, Personas, and Content sections can be clicked to show a full list of the programs’ targeting criteria sorted by frequency. Differences in targeting appear in dark grey to indicate which criteria contribute the most to your results. Common criteria are illustrated in light grey to make it easier to distinguish what aspects of the ABM strategy have stayed the same.

Below, we can see that common industries between the two programs include telecommunications, semiconductors, and packaging and containers. 

Firmographics: This section shows the composition (revenue, company size, and industry) of reached accounts.

  • Company Size: The number of company size bands reached by the program.

  • Industry: The number of industries reached by the program.

  • *Revenue Size: The number of revenue bands reached by the program.

Trending Topics: This section refers to the number of topics that are being tracked for the program. The most frequently trending topics across reached accounts are highlighted.

Personas: The persona section refers to the number of personas/job titles targeted for the program. The most frequently occurring job titles across reached accounts are highlighted. 

Content: The content section shows the number of assets used for the program. The assets that reached the highest number of accounts are highlighted.