Performance Summary

This dashboard and landing page in the ML Platform offers an account-level summary for decision-makers to assess marketing performance and KPIs. 


Filter by:

Timeframe: Filter to a timeframe that best fits your reporting needs

Client: If you are an agency or have access to >1 client in our platform, you will have the ability to filter to one or more of those clients

Clients will be listed in the drop-down alphabetically

You will only see clients you have access to

First client in the list is the default but you can select multiple or all in the list

Programs: Choose programs within the specified Client(s)

Programs will be listed in the drop-down alphabetically

Users can select multiple or all programs in the list


Each of the squares of data is called a Card

The large text in the center of each card is responsive to the filters.

The small text at the bottom of each card are fixed values unless the Client filter is used

The small text is used as a benchmark value so that you can compare the current/filtered data

Spend Summary

This is the amount you have spent with Madison Logic within the specified filters

The small text are values contracted for the current year and spent last year

The progress bar will be a percentage of the total spent for the year of what was budgeted


The total number of programs with the specified filters, how many programs were run last year, and how many are currently live

Engagement Rate

This is the overall account engagement of your programs as well as last year and this year benchmarks


Closed-Won Accounts, Average Deal Size, Average Time-to-Close

You will need an integration with Salesforce to see Closed-Won, Average Deal Size, and Average Time-to-Close. Click here to begin this process or contact your CSM for more information.

Impressions and Leads

This total includes the number of LinkedIn impressions


Return on Investment and Account Engagement

You will need an integration with Salesforce to see information about Return on Investment. Click here to begin this process or contact your CSM for more information.

The top 5 programs with the highest ROI and the top 5 with the highest Account Engagement will display on these charts. Click on the program name to navigate to the Program Details page and dive deeper into what made this one of your highest performing programs!


Individual Programs List

List of programs and the flight dates according to the filters

Clicking on the program name is an easy navigation to the Program Details page


Top Accounts

The Top 50 unique accounts (within filters) are provided in an easy-to-read table with other relevant metrics.

Sorting can be changed by clicking on the arrows next to each column header

  • First click changes to sort by that column header descending

  • Second click changes to sort by that column header ascending

The list can be exported by clicking the download icon so that you can distribute it to your sales teams