

Note that all of these must be met in order to be able to use Madison Logic's Gong integration

  1. Client has activated a Salesforce integration with ML Platform

  2. Client uses Gong Engage as a Sales Intelligence tool

  3. Client user has Gong Admin privileges in order to be able to install the Madison Logic app from the Gong App Library

  4. Client user has an ML Platform account.

Step 1 - Authenticate your Gong credentials on ML Platform

  1. Navigate to the Madison Logic platform and log in

  2. From the navigation bar, select Manage Integrations



  3. Identify the Sales Intelligence window and click the Connect button under Gong



  4. Allow the platform to connect to your Gong account


  5. Click Setup


  6. Confirm Salesforce and Account Insights


Step 2 - Create ML Platform licenses for Gong Users

  1. From the navigation bar, select Manage Integrations


  2. Click Manage under Users


  3. The New Users tab shows your Gong users who do not have ML Platform licenses

  4. Select the users who need ML Platform licenses. Users require an ML Platform license in order to view Madison Logic Insights in Gong.

    1. Note that licenses are free of charge


  5. Click Create Users

  6. The users will receive an activation email from ML Platform to complete the account creation process. After completing it, they will be able to consume Madison Logic intelligence within Gong (see Using the Integration for how to access the data within Gong).

Step 3 - Install the Madison Logic App from the Gong App Library

  1. In Gong, navigate to Company Settings


  2. Under Ecosystem, select Integrations


  3. Search for the Madison Logic application

Step 4 - Using the Integration

  1. In Gong, select Engage and Accounts


  2. Select an Account

  3. Click on the Madison Logic tab


  4. Consume the same Account Journey and Persona Matrix data within Gong



Video Reference




  1. Why do you need a Salesforce integration?

    1. Gong uses Salesforce, specifically Salesforce AccountIDs, to understand and display information for the right Account.

    2. Madison Logic uses the same AccountIDs to match to Accounts (Domains) on ML Platform.

    3. Without the integration, a user would have to manually map thousands of accounts between Salesforce and ML Platform, leading to a large amount of work and potential human error.

  2. How can I use this integration if I do not use Salesforce, or do not have Salesforce integrated?

    1. At this time (October 2024), we only support clients who have a Salesforce integration. We are exploring ways to support other integrations (such as Hubspot CRM) as well as a manual upload capability.

  3. Will I be charged for the additional ML Platform licenses?

    1. No. There is no cost for clients to add users to ML Platform.