
Welcome to the new ML Platform! In this doc we’ll cover all the views and data points available along with a walkthrough on how to navigate the platform. Let's dive in!


Accessing the ML Platform (MLP) is as easy as using your existing login credentials.

The URL for MLP is:



After logging in you’ll be met with the program list view.

Program List View

Here is where you can view all your programs at a glance. Information like program name, start/end dates, status, spend, leads & impressions delivered are all available in the table view. Spend, leads, and impression data in this table is related to the delivery to date on that specific program.


Clicking on any of the column headers will allow you to quickly sort (ascending/descending). Sorting applies to all the records within a table even if the records are on another page.

If you have a Client Admin role (also know as an agency role) you’ll have the ability to toggle between the different clients you are managing by using the client selector.



The status filter allows you to filter out programs that may have ended.


Using the search bar allows for quick searches across all pages in the program table.

Clicking on your name in the lower left hand corner allows for access to preferences, a shortcut to the knowledge center (wiki), and the logout link. These pages are covered in further detail below.



Clicking on any row in the programs table will bring you to the program view.

Program View

The program view shows program level aggregating metrics and giving a full view of the delivery against your target account list.

Navigationally, you can use the breadcrumb trail at the top left of the view to navigate back to the program list view.

To quickly toggle between programs the programs dropdown is available to the left of exports.


Clicking on the exports button opens up the exports modal.


Exports allow for a deeper dive into the various data points available through MLP. Here you can also get a detailed breakout of an accounts engagement in aggregate or by day to make the data even more extensible in your off platform workflows.

Reporting Functions:

Report types allows you to select the report you want to export.

The date range selector allow you to specify the date range you would like to run the report over.

The by day check box allows for the report that you selected to be broken out by day.

Report Types:

Leads - This report shows lead level data including:

The account name, account domain, first/last name, email, job title, country, the asset that was downloaded, an indicator of if the account was reached by display advertising, the top trending topic for that account over the past 7 weeks, and a list/count of the number of trending topics from that account over past 12 weeks

Account Engagement - This report shows account level engagement metrics including:

The account name, account domain, leads delivered, impressions delivered, clicks, clickthrough rate, exposure time in hours/minutes, site visits, exposure time per site visit, the top trending topic for that account over the past 7 weeks, and a list/count of the number of trending topics from that account over past 12 weeks

Trending Topics - This weekly report shows topic level metrics including:

The account name, account domain, topic category, topic name, intent score for the last week

Target Account List History - This report shows changes in your target account list on specific dates. It is only available on display programs. Metrics here include:

The accounts targeted, new accounts, and the accounts removed on the specified date

Installed Technologies - This report shows installed technology level insights by target account. Metrics here include:

The account name, account domain, installed technology category, technology name, ‘verified on’ date.

Asset Delivery Details - This report contains Asset information for Lead Gen, Display, LinkedIn, and/or CTV and export in the same format as the Delivery Details table in MLP. (Asset previews will be a URL instead of an image.)

Below the exports, you have the program details summary bar.

Program Details

The program details summary bar shows a high level indicator of what was contracted and the delivery to date.

For contracted, accounts, impressions, and leads - the large number indicates the contracted total while the progress bar shows the current progress to date.


Topics shows a count of the topics that you’re tracking for this program and clicking on the allows you to see the full list.


The start and end dates for your program are listed to the right of topics.

Account Engagement Section

Account Engagement Graph

The account engagement view allows you to see the accounts you’ve targeted, reached, and engaged. Here you’ll also find the accounts that are actively trending on the topics you’re tracking for your program. This makes it easy to subsegment and get a deeper understanding of the research behavior across your target account list. Clicking the here shows the definitions for these 3 terms (also provided below).

  • Targeted: Your target account list.

  • Reached: Accounts that have engaged both passively and actively. Accounts that have:

    • Seen your content

    • Downloaded your content

    • Visited your site

    • Clicked, Commented, Liked, or Shared (Note: Only for programs running with LinkedIn)

    • Note: For programs running lead gen only, reached and engaged numbers will be the same.

  • Engaged: Only accounts that have engaged actively. Accounts that have:

    • Downloaded your content

    • Visited your site

    • Clicked, Commented, Liked, or Shared (Note: Only for programs running with LinkedIn)

    • Note: For display programs, a site tag is required to report on engaged accounts.

This view also provides an indicator of the number of accounts that are trending on one or more of your tracked topics.

Engagement & Reach Rates Graph

Clicking the dropdown in this section allows you to toggle between the Account Engagement graph and the Engagement and Reach Rate graph, which allows you to see the relationship between passive & active engagement and how your program may be influencing accounts to be more actively engaged over time.

Impact of MLI on Engagement Graph

If you are running a MLI strategy, you will have access to this graph which shows the impact of powering your TAL with MLI on accounts targeted and engaged as compared to a control program. To understand how control programs are calculated, click here.

Delivery Details

This sections offers a breakout by channel of the accounts that you’ve reached and engaged. Use the toggles to quickly switch between channel and available reports. The reports here provide a deep insight into the types of accounts you’ve reached and engaged broken out by various firmographic and demographic attributes.



Lead Gen: Here you can find asset by number of accounts by leads and a breakout of delivery by region, company size, industry, and job title.

Display: Here you can find asset by number of accounts by impressions, clicks, and clickthrough rate, and a breakout of delivery by region, company size, and industry.

When in the asset section, clicking on the image will open up a larger image preview with the creative name in the lower left-hand corner (for LinkedIn, the creative ID is there as well). This will work for most assets that aren’t script-based or dynamic creatives.


Top Trending Topics & Installed Technologies

These two sections leverage new data in order to give a deeper dive into the research behavior and technologies installed across your target account list. The data provided here allows for robust and up to date insights to influence asset personalization and messaging relevancy when creating new assets during a campaign.

Top Trending Topics:

The bar graph view show the top five topics of the topics you’re tracking for your program over the past 12 weeks. They are ranked by the number of accounts that have been trending on that topic across your target account list.

The list view shows all the topics you’re tracking and the number of accounts in your target account list that are trending.

Top Installed Technologies:

The bar graph shows the top five technologies installed across your target account list.

The list view shows all the technologies across your target account list we have data on and the number of accounts that have that technology installed. To customize the Installed Technologies for your program, work with your onboarding/implementation manager to set your preferences (up to 25).

Account Details

The account details section shows all the accounts you’ve reached and engaged with along with a summary of their engagement with your content. This section is useful for getting a quick rundown of the most engaged accounts and research activities.

The every column here is sortable and you can search the entire account details section by using the search bar in the top right of the card.

Clicking on any of the accounts in the account details table will open up the account view.

Account View

The account view houses all the metrics and engagement details for a specific account. The view reports on the accounts activity as it relates to a single program.


Navigating the account view as it relates to the program and program list view is as easy as clicking back through the breadcrumbs found in the upper left hand corner.


The engagement section shows a summary of the engagement by the account with your content. Metrics like leads generated, impressions delivered, exposure time, and number of site visits are all available in the summary bar. Two new account level insights are the exposure time per site visit and the trending topics summary.

Exposure Time per Site Visit

This metrics is a way to quickly benchmark the efficiency of media delivery to an account. This number takes the total min/hours of ad exposure and divides it by the number of site visits. This gives a loose correlation to the amount of time an account needs to be exposed to display advertising in order to generate a site visit. To ground this number, the average exposure time per site visit across all the accounts in your target account list is provided to the right of the summary number.

For example, In the image below, this account only needs 10 minutes of ad exposure to generate a site visit. It also indicates that this account is 2.5 times more efficient than the average across your target account list.


Trending Topics

Similar to the program view, clicking the allows you to see all the topics that this account has been trending on over the past 12 weeks.


Below the summary bar you’ll find four reports that show account specific research behavior and display metrics over time.


  1. Top Trending Topics

    1. This chart shows the top three topics ranked by average trend score over the past 12 weeks. This chart can be used to see the best time to deliver topic specific messaging to an account and to get insight on their recent research behavior.

  2. All Topics

  3. Impressions

    1. This chart shows a cumulative view of the impressions delivered over time.

  4. Exposure Time & Site Visits

    1. This chart shows the hours of exposure over time and how it has effected the overall site visits. This chart can be used to show the relationship between these two metrics and could indicate good opportunities to increase allocations to improve engagement from a specific account.


This table shows the assets for both lead gen and display and how the account has interacted with your content.

Installed Technologies

This section shows all the technologies installed at this account, the last day we verified that the technology was installed, and the number of accounts across your target account list that also have that technology installed. This could be used for competitive intel, changing messaging when running contesting campaigns, or personalizing messaging to highlight the benefits of using your product along side a technology they already use. This is also helpful info when your sales team is reaching out to contacts at this account as they’ll have additional insights on what they may already have running.

To customize which installed technologies you would like to track during any given program, work with your onboarding/implementation manager to set your Installed Technologies preferences (up to 25).


The leads table contains all the contacts from this account that have downloaded your content. Information like download date, name, email, job title, country, and the asset they downloaded are all available here and the table is sortable by any column.

Manage Users

In order to adjust the users on your account, you can navigate to your name in the lower left hand corner of MLP and click on “Manage Users”.



Adding New Users

Using the button in the upper right hand corner you can add new users to your account. Populate the required fields and select the role for the new user. For more information on user roles click here.

Note: If you have an agency seat, you must first select a client before the Add New User button will be available




To take an action on any existing user, click the checkbox next to the users email and use the actions dropdown at the top of the table to choose between editing the user, deleting the user, and resenting their invite to the platform.



Manage Integrations

We have integrations with Salesforce, Marketo, Eloqua, and Hubspot. To manage any of these integrations click on your name and select the Manage Integrations option. For more information on your integrations click here.