Pipeline: Definitions

Validate transparency into Marketing ROI based on your ability to influence pipeline and revenue! Let’s take a walk through the new ABM measurement capabilities.


Navigation and Control

Clicking the Pipeline tab within the Madison Logic (ML) Platform will load up the dashboard with your latest campaign selected by default.

All the metrics in the Pipeline dashboard are in reference to your campaign’s target account list (TAL) and date filter. To control which list the dashboard is pointing to you can use the dropdown in the upper right-hand corner to search across your campaigns.


Once a program is selected, all the metrics in the dashboard will update based on the program’s TAL and delivery metrics. The TAL is also what’s used to filter your Salesforce data to focus on only the data associated with relevant accounts.

The date filter can be used to limit the data being pulled to get a snapshot of opportunity and program delivery data from only a select time frame. The default date range is the flight dates of the selected program if the program is still in progress. If the program has ended, the default date range is your program’s start date to two months after your program’s end date. This enables you to see the long-term impact of your marketing strategy on pipeline.

Opportunity Filters

By selecting filters from the upper right you can add filters based on fields from your Salesforce to limit the opportunities that appear in the dashboard based on your campaign's goals. From the filter bar, you can select “enable filters” to take you into the settings where the filter types can be selected.

In settings, fields can be selected across the Account, Opportunity, and Opportunity Line Item objects to be used as filters.

Note: After filters have been saved it takes 24 hours for them to be usable in the Pipeline tab. A maximum of 6 filters can be selected at one time.

Once the sync is complete, filters will appear in the filter bar and they can be used to limit the opportunities for a specific program. Filter settings are saved to each program so the next time a program is pulled up, the relevant filters are already applied.

Common use cases for filters include:

  • Marketing Sourced Filtering: Enables you to only see opportunities that are sourced by marketing (or sales) to show the impact marketing has on pipeline.

  • Region Filtering: Enables you to see the opportunities from a specific region. Useful when an international Salesforce account is integrated, but the program has region-specific goals.

  • Product Filtering: Enables you to see only opportunities related to a specific product. Useful when the program is promoting a specific product within a product line.

Performance Summary

The performance summary section provides a summary of relevant metrics and over-time views of those metrics. Both help in validating how your program’s reach (through ML multi-channel campaigns) is influencing accounts and opportunities (via data from your Salesforce) across your target account list.


The Accounts tab provides validation of the volume of your Marketing ROI based on the accounts you reached through your Madison Logic ABM program:

  • Accounts: Targeted Identify how many accounts were originally targeted by your ABM program.

  • Accounts: Reached A measure of how many of your targeted accounts were exposed to your message across the key paid media channels leveraged in your ABM campaigns.

  • Accounts: Opportunities Integrating your campaign and CRM data to identify of the accounts reached by your ABM campaign, how many resulted in opportunities.

  • Accounts: Closed Won Of the accounts reached by your ABM campaign, how many resulted in opportunities that were closed/won.

The Opportunities tab dives deeper into the value and velocity of your marketing ROI, based on the accounts reached through your Madison Logic ABM campaign:

Of the accounts you reached through your Madison Logic campaigns,

  • Opportunities Inidicates the number of opportunities that were created and the number that resulted in revenue for the business.

  • Total Value Of The total value of the opportunities that were created and won.

  • Average Deal Size The average value of opportunities created and won.

  • Average Number of Days The average number of days, across the opportunities, it took an opportunity to reach closed/won.

The chart on the right provides an over-time view reinforcing the relationship between accounts reached by your Madison Logic campaigns and the opportunity metrics from your CRM.

The dropdown in the center controls the opportunity level data points that appear in the chart.

The Opportunity Views dropdown allows you to control which opportunity level metrics you want to see compared to the reach accounts. The all the lines in the graph are cumulative except for the average number of days which shows a month-over-month representation. Options include:

  • Accounts with Opportunites: Shows the total number of reached accounts from your ML program with opportunities created from your Salesforce.

  • Value of Opportunities Created: Shows the total pipeline value in dollars for opportunities created by month for the accounts reached.

  • Value of Opportunities Closed Won: Shows the total value in dollars by month for opportunities closed/won for the accounts reached.

  • Number of Opportunities Created: Shows the total count of opportunities that were created by month for opportunities closed/won for the accounts reached.

  • Number of Opportunities Closed Won: Shows the total count of opportunities by month for opportunities closed/won for the accounts reached.

  • Average Number of Days to Closed Won: The average number of days it took the above closed/won opportunities to close in the selected time range.

  • Impact of MLI on Revenue: Shows the impact of MLI on days to close, avg order value, and opportunities created compared to a control program. For more information on how the control program is calculated, click here.

  • Impact of MLI on Pipeline: Shows the impact of MLI on accounts targeted/engaged and opportunities created/closed compared to a control program. For more information on how the control program is calculated, click here.

Note: Depending on the view you select, the scale on the left will change to indicate dollars, days, or total counts.

Top Account Details

When running a cross-channel ABM strategy, identifying the composition of accounts as it relates to your pipeline and content enables you to optimize future ABM programs.


  • Firmographics: What is the composition (revenue, company size, and industry) of reached accounts that have resulted in new opportunities.

  • Trending Topics: What topics are being researched the most by the reached accounts that have resulted in opportunities.

  • Personas: Of the reached accounts that have generated opportunities, who are the top personas engaging with your content (assets, whitepapers, etc..) through your content syndication program*.

  • Content: Of the reached accounts that have generated opportunities, what content is reaching them the most.

*Note: To ensure the highest privacy compliance, we require opt-in consent to provide persona level analytics, hence this data is not provided for display engagement.

Performance by Stage

This section breaks out the summary metrics by stage. This provides a current snapshot of the volume, value, and velocity of opportunities from your CRM, based on the accounts reached. The stage names are inherited directly from your Salesforce. For each stage, you can now see:

  • The number of accounts

  • Opportunities associated with those accounts

  • The total value of those opportunities

  • The average number of days opportunities has been in a stage

All of the above metrics are displayed by stage and a single opportunity can only appear in one stage at a time. Opportunities appear here if they have a created date within the time range at the top.

Note: This view is a snapshot of your Salesforce each day as of 9 am (EST). As data in your CRM is updated, you’ll have to wait until 9 am (EST) the next day to see those changes reflected in the ML.Platform.

Accounts by Stage

Here you are able to see the composition of the accounts at each stage along with the account level delivery data from your campaign. To change the stage in view, use the dropdown in the upper right. You can search for specific accounts or opportunities using the search bar.

  • Clicking the account name will bring you into the account view in MLP.

  • Clicking the opportunity name will bring you to that opportunity in your Salesforce.

Here you’ll also find information on how long an opportunity has been in that stage which can help in finding outlier accounts that are stuck or moving quickly which can help enable ABM strategy changes or prioritized outreach to your Sales team.


In the upper right corner of the dashboard, you’ll find the export button.

Accounts By Stage: Opportunity Level Report: This export contains all the data available across all stages within the Accounts by Stage section in addition to data from the Top Accounts section.

Data Columns:

  • Account Name, Account Domain, Opportunity Name, Opp. Size ($), Furthest Stage Name, # of Days in Funnel, # of Days in Stage, Leads, Impressions, Site Visits, LI Impressions, Revenue, Company Size, Industry, Top Topic, Top Persona (if available), Top Content.