HubSpot - Security FAQ

How do you connect to my HubSpot instance?

What APIs do you use?

  • To power Journey Acceleration & ABM Signals, ML uses the following APIs

    • Journey Acceleration

      • Contacts API

      • Contact Lists API

      • Companies API

      • Deals API

    • ABM Signals

      • Companies API

What data do you retrieve from HubSpot?

  • We query the following objects from HubSpot:

    • Contacts

    • Companies

    • Contact Lists

    • Deals

  • We ONLY retrieve the fields & values you select when configuring the HubSpot integration. From these entities, we save the following information:

    • Contacts 

      • Mapped Field’s Values (saved)

      • Domain from Contact Email (saved)

      • HubSpot Contact ID (saved)

    • Companies

      • Mapped Field’s Values (saved)

      • Domain (saved)

    • Contact Lists

      • Domain from Contact Email (saved)

    • Deals (to use deals, we sync with the companies object as well)

      • Mapped Field’s Values (saved)

      • Company ID (saved)

      • Domain Associated With Company ID(saved)

    • ABM Signals

      • HubSpot Company ID (saved)

      • Company Domain (saved)

Where do you physically store my data?

  • Madison Logic stores your data in the United States, in the state of Virginia, within the Amazon Web Services region us-east-1.

How is my data secured in transit?

  • When Madison Logic retrieves your data from HubSpot’s APIs, it is secured in transit by encryption using Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2.

  • When your data is transferred within Madison Logic systems, it is also secured in transit by encryption using TLS 1.2.

How is my data secured at rest?

Is there a process in place for removing our content and data at the end of the use agreement?

  • Yes. We can ensure that your content is securely removed from Madison Logic systems. Contact us for more information.

What type of compliance and controls are in place?

  • Security and quality controls in Amazon Web Services have been validated and certified by the following compliance schemes:

    • AWS Service Organization Controls (SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3) Reports. You can request a copy of these reports from AWS Compliance.

    • PCI DSS Level 1. For more details on PCI DSS compliant services in AWS, you can read the PCI DSS FAQs.

    • ISO 27017. For more details on ISO 27017 compliant services in AWS, you can read the ISO-27017 FAQs.

    • ISO 27018. For more details on ISO 27018 compliant services in AWS, you can read the ISO-27018 FAQs.

    • ISO 9001. For more details on ISO 9001 compliant services in AWS, you can read the ISO-9001 FAQs.

    • In evaluation for FIPS 140-2. For more details, you can view the FIPS 140-2 Implementation Under Test List. 
