Account Insights

General Availability: September 10, 2024


🙋‍♀️ What is it?

A comprehensive view for clients of targeting, reach, and engagement at the Account level across all Madison Logic programs. Clients will have access to an Account Insights homepage and four data tabs offering different ways to view the data:

  • Homepage: Provides client-level performance metrics across all programs for the previous year and a list of the Top 10 Engaged Accounts

  • Account Journey: Provides visibility into the totality of a Client’s efforts to engage an Account across programs and channels

  • Persona Map: Demonstrates the depth and breadth of Marketing efforts across different job families and seniority levels for an Account

  • Account Trends: Shows how the Account's intent has progressed over time

  • Asset Engagement: Provides clarity onto which particular assets are most engaging across all your programs

👷‍♂️ Why did we build it?

As the size of buying committees for software continues to grow, B2B marketers need to reach and influence a greater number of individuals at an account in order to impact and influence the deal. The Account Insights tool on ML Platform creates a way to track and analyze engagement by an account across channels throughout the entire buying stage journey.

🛠 How does it work?

Accessing Account Insights

The Account Insights Homepage can be accessed from the left hand navigation

Account Insights Homepage

The Account Insights homepage provides client-level performance metrics across all programs for the previous year.


Users can also see a list of the Top 10 Engaged Accounts (measured by the total number of leads). The engagement data for all accounts can be exported for additional exploration off-platform. Lastly, users can search for any account that has been targeted - which opens the Account Journey view.


Account Journey

The Account Journey view provides a user with the Account's total engagement across all of a Client's ML programs. It also allows a deeper dive into the following areas:

  • Active channels and targeting, and leads delivered - this visualizes the different programs that targeted the account over the last 12 months

  • Shows which channels were utilized within a given month for that Account

  • Shows the number of programs targeting the Account in a month

  • Shows the leads generated for the Account over that timeframe


Persona Matrix

The Persona Matrix view demonstrates the depth and breadth of Marketing efforts across different job families and seniority levels for an Account:

  • Engaged personas by Job Family and Level - this shows a user a breakdown of leads by Job Family and Job Level

  • Breaks down engagement by seniority and department

  • Shows Leads, Engagement, Targeted, and number of different assets downloaded

  • Color-coded to emphasize areas of highest engagement (darker is more engaged)

  • Personalized view shows Job Families with the highest engagement


Account Trends

The Account Trends view shows how the Account's intent has progressed over time:

  • Trending Topics - shows Account-level trending topics over the previous 12 weeks

  • Allows the user to select a particular program

  • Allows the user to select from any topics in our database

Asset Engagement

The Asset Engagement view provides clarity onto which particular assets are most engaging across all your programs

  • Engagement with all assets - provides an asset-level view of engagement, including display clicks and CTV video completion rate

  • Overlays impressions and leads over the past 12 months


  • What is the logic for determining the Top 10 Engaged Accounts?

    • The list is sorted by the number of leads delivered across all programs. When there is a tie, display impressions is used as a tiebreaker.

  • Why is the Top 10 Engaged Accounts list not sortable or filterable?

    • Dealing with tens of thousands of accounts and all of their engagement data leads to a performance issue.

    • As a workaround, users can Export the entire dataset and explore offline.

  • Why are the programs aggregated to a monthly view on the Account Journey?

    • Our programs do not have consistent start/end dates (like the 1st or 15th, or Monday-Sunday), which makes it difficult to show a high level of granularity across dozens of programs. Temporary pauses also lead to more small gaps in targeting.

    • We decided to show a monthly aggregation to demonstrate the general timing for which an account was targeted in a particular channel.