Marketo Installation Guide - Dynamic Targeting


  • Marketo Admin access credentials

  • ML Platform login credentials

  • Marketo API Only User with Access API permissions

  • Bulk Lead Export API filter (see troubleshooting note below)

Installation Guide

If you've already integrated ML Platform with Marketo, please skip to step 3.

  1. Create a New Service in Marketo

  2. Integrate ML Platform with Marketo

  3. Generate target account mappings


  • If you run into any problems importing your smart lists, it may be because your Marketo instance needs an additional permission. Reach out to your Marketo account rep and let them know you're trying to extract the leads from a smart list using the Bulk Lead Export API and are encountering a 1035 error (Unsupported filter type for target subscription). Once they enable this filter, you should be all set.